Watch a statement

Some statements may be more interesting to you than others. For example, you might want to see at a glance if complaints about your newest product's battery life are getting more frequent.

To save you the trouble of sorting through hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of statements again and again, you can add statements to your watchlist.

  1. Click the icon in the sidebar.
  2. Select the checkbox next to statement(s) to watch.
  3. Next to # statements selected, click Watch.
  4. Select an existing watchlist or create a new one.
  5. Click Add.

To see the statements you're watching, click Watchlist and select one of your watchlists. To unwatch a statement, simply select the checkbox next to it and click Unwatch.

Rename or delete a watchlist

  1. Click the icon in the sidebar.
  2. Click Watchlists in the header.
  3. Click next to a watchlist to rename it or
  4. Click then Confirm to delete it.

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